Indie Design Gift-A-Long Goes Live on Ravelry!

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Join in on the celebration! Apiary Knits and over 100 other indie designers have teamed together to bring knitters a holiday knitting sale like none other! The first ever Indie Design Gift-A-Long runs from November 1st thru December 31st of this year. Below are the particulars straight from our Ravelry Indie Design Gift-A-Long Group. Don’t miss out on the fun!

Indie Gift-a-long 2013

What is the Indie Design Gift-A-Long?

The Indie Design Gift-A-Long is a 2 month long KAL/CAL of holiday gifts made from patterns designed by a rather extensive list of independent designers. From November 1 – November 15, 2013 tons of indie designers will be discounting some or all of their patterns by 25% for this event. Use the Coupon Code: giftalong at checkout to receive your discount from participating designers. All of Apiary Knits patterns are eligible for the discount!

It is not necessary to be a member of Ravelry to take advantage of the 25% off discount, but you won’t want to miss out on all the prizes that will be given away in the Indie Design Gift-A-Long group, so please consider joining Ravelry so you don’t miss out!

There are ten KAL/CALs to participate in, prizes of all sorts given out, some games, and generally a lot of fun! We all could use more fun….and more knitting. Also, stop by my newly formed design group, Apiary Knits Designs, and say hello. I’ll see you there!